2015 – Endowment Fund Awards – 1. Good 2 Go Transition Program and 2. Prevention and Management of Paediatric PIV-related Harm

In November 2015 two awards were announced to the following teams. We look forward to hearing their reports in November 2016 at the Nursing Alumnae Endowment Fund event.
1. Good 2 Go Transition Program with team members Khush Amaria, Megan Henze, Margaret Schwan, and led by Geraldine Cullen-Dean. Teens with chronic health conditions can experience negative health outcomes when they leave SickKids and start their health care as adults. The Good 2 Go Transition Program provides support and education to health care providers about preparing their patients for this transition. Over the year this team will be testing a newly developed toolkit designed to help nurses teach teens with chronic health conditions about transition when they provide care during their hospitalization. The toolkit has tools and resources to help nurses discuss transitions with the teens in an entertaining way, including talking about differences in the adult health care system and learning about their illness–all key learning objectives for youth in transition. The project will include a step-by-step approach to integrating the use of the toolkit and evaluating its effect on nurses’ confidence and knowledge in supporting teens in their transition.
2. Prevention and Management of Paediatric PIV-related Harm with team members Darlene Murray, Rita Damignani, Hana Saab, and Judy Hawes. Paediatric peripheral intravenous (PIV) catheters are the most commonly used IV device in hospital patients. While they are low-risk, they can be associated with complications and the impact of these catheter related injuries can range from skin irritation to serious and permanent limb injury. In recognition of these potential complications, the project team will set out to improve outcomes for patients….reduce the rate and severity of PIV related injuries. In an effort to accomplish this goal, a team of clinical, quality improvement and evaluation experts are developing a toolkit for staff, patients and caregivers regarding PIV care. The toolkit includes prevention strategies as well as clinical practice changes focused on the standardized assessment of PIV related injuries and an evidence-based algorithm to standardize the management of PIV extravasations.
Through the support of the Alumnae Endowment Fund, the Hospital Archives was able to further improve the display cases, which were purchased from the ROM with funds from the Endowment Fund in 2012. The Archives, working with the hospital’s Creative Services Department, designed, produced, and installed new wrapping around the bases of the three display cases. As well, interpretive panels for the cases were installed. These panels provide key information about nursing at SickKIds and the School of Nursing specifically, providing context for any staff or visitors viewing the displays. The Archives had several other key highlights during the year.