A History of Giving Back Through Bursaries and Awards Over the Years
Throughout its history the Alumnae Association has stressed the importance of education and research in nursing and health care and has promoted the advancement of paediatric nursing excellence. As our association was in the process of devolution, 2011 became the last year we provided bursaries as we had done in the past. The Nursing Alumnae Endowment Fund administered through the SickKids Foundation now provides an annual award in the name of the Alumnae Association. (See below)
So in 2011, in the Alumnae Association’s final year, two $1500.00 bursaries were made available to all HSC School of Nursing graduates and to all SickKids nurses who had been employed at the hospital for more than one year. Each bursary supported a nurse who was completing a post graduate degree in the health care field. The call for applications was published in the spring Alumnae News and through hospital communication channels and the Bursaries and Grants Committee received 12 applications from excellent candidates.
The Hilda Rolstin Memorial Award honoured Hilda’s commitment and contribution to nursing education at SickKids over many, many years and the second bursary was named in memory of Barbara Fox, an honorary member of the Alumnae. Barbara exhibited a passion for Family Centred Care and support of families and nursing in the north.
The top candidate and winner of the Hilda Rolstin Memorial Bursary for 2011 was Tharshini Sathasivam. The winner of the Barbara Fox Memorial Bursary was Shelly Philip LaForest.

The Ruth Duncan McCamus Award was a peer nominated award supported by the Alumnae Association and the McCamus family and friends. This award honoured Ruth McCamus who was a member of the Class of ‘59 and a SickKids nurse for 36 years. Ruth was instrumental in creating the Family Information Centre, now known as the About Kids Health Family Resource Centre. She was a much loved nurse educator in the School of Nursing, and later at Ryerson University, where her passion for family centered care inspired many. Ruth was the first recipient of the Claus Wersig Humanitarian Award.
The Ruth Duncan McCamus Award was given annually during Nurses’ Week at the Nursing Excellence Awards ceremony for demonstrated excellence in family centered care and a commitment to paediatric nursing at SickKids. The recipient had to be enrolled in a post a post RN degree program. In its final year this award was presented to Tara McKeown, a nurse in the haematology/oncology in-patient unit. She was also the winner of the Barbara Fox Memorial Bursary in 2010.
HSC Nursing Alumnae Endowment Fund
A core group of the retiring Alumnae Executive worked for 6 years with HSC graduates and staff at the SickKids Foundation to craft the agreement we have today. The launch of the Endowment Fund in November 2012 saw the completion of their hard work. Alumnae members, graduates, researchers, and SickKids Foundation and hospital staff gathered to celebrate. Carolyn Hitchinson, President, addressed the guests on behalf of the Alumnae. Judith Young, RN, MScN spoke on innovations in care over the first 100 years (1886-1975), all introduced at the hospital by nurses or had relied on nurses for their success. Nursing innovations have continued, of course, in the years since 1975, but we were very proud to hear again how HSC nurses throughout the decades changed the way we care for children in our community and in the world. Many of us studied and worked at SickKids in those years and led the way to change.
In Carolyn’s words, “Being conscious of the advancement of paediatric nursing practice, the Alumnae wanted to be a part of the future without losing sight of the past.” With this in mind, the Nursing Endowment Fund serves the following purposes:
- Provide nurses with clinical, educational and research opportunities that develop the depth and breadth of nursing expertise at the hospital
- Assist the Hospital’s archives to collect, preserve and celebrate the history of nursing at the hospital.
To quote Pat Coulman, HSC graduate and Executive member, “The Nursing Endowment Fund celebrates over 100 years of the School of Nursing and the 2617 graduates who loved SickKids and were educated and trained in the art, science and spirit of nursing”
Each November since 2012 graduates have been invited by SickKids Foundation to attend an Endowment Fund event at the Hospital. In this way we are thanked in a very concrete way for our contribution to nursing innovation at SickKids. Anyone who would like to make their donation to SickKids directly to our Endowment Fund can use the link in the right hand column.
2022 Our Alumnae Endowment Fund Impact Report
An Update from Erin Vandeven, Associate Chief of Nursing Practice In the 2021 Impact Report Erin Vandeven talked about the landscape of nursing in the time of the COVID pandemic. She noted that nurses went from being the unsung heroes… Read more2022 Our Alumnae Endowment Fund Impact Report
2021 Our Alumnae Endowment Fund – Making a Difference: Impact Report
This year’s impact report begins with opening words from Erin Vandeven, Associate Chief of Nursing who points out that the work of nurses has been ‘invisible’ for hundreds of years. But the COVID pandemic has raised our profile and has… Read more2021 Our Alumnae Endowment Fund – Making a Difference: Impact Report
2020 “Fearless, Innovative. That’s Nursing”: Impact Report
The following is quoted from the report written following our annual Endowment Fund event held virtually in November 2020. It is a powerful reminder of how our funds are spent in support of nurses and the archives at SickKids: SPECIALIZED… Read more2020 “Fearless, Innovative. That’s Nursing”: Impact Report
2019 – ‘Endowment Fund Awards – An Innovative Wellness Strategy for New Nurses at SickKids’ and ‘Apparent Cause Analysis’
An Innovative Wellness Strategy for New Nurses at SickKids Proposal: From hectic all night shifts to high-stakes surgeries, nursing is stressful. To mitigate some of this stress, this winning group is developing education sessions to ‘facilitate mental health awareness and… Read more2019 – ‘Endowment Fund Awards – An Innovative Wellness Strategy for New Nurses at SickKids’ and ‘Apparent Cause Analysis’
2018 – Endowment Fund Awards – ‘All About Us Story Boards’ and ‘Masters of Flow: Training Emergency Department Nurse Navigators’
(Note: The following information is taken from “Remembering the Past. Redefining the Future: The Alumnae Association of the School of Nursing 2019 Impact Report”) All About Us Storyboards Team: Kim Hunter Szymanski Joanna Dockrill, Kate McCormick and Jane Hoang. In… Read more2018 – Endowment Fund Awards – ‘All About Us Story Boards’ and ‘Masters of Flow: Training Emergency Department Nurse Navigators’
2017 – Endowment Fund Awards – ‘The Virtual Operating Room’ and ‘The Fear-Fighting Toolkit’
The Virtual Operating Room: Developing a Virtual Reality Simulation for Perioperative Nursing Education in Neurosurgery Craniotomy Team: Linda Nguyen and Dr. Clyde Matava The operating room isn’t always the best classroom. That’s especially true for craniotomies in which nurses are… Read more2017 – Endowment Fund Awards – ‘The Virtual Operating Room’ and ‘The Fear-Fighting Toolkit’
2016 -Endowment Fund Awards – Increasing Resiliency to Nursing in Paediatric Oncology and Palliative care And Achy Penguin:Tool to Improve Pain Assessment in 4-7 Year Olds
Increasing Resiliency to Nursing in Paediatric Oncology and Palliative Care on 8A After observing what appeared to be the burnout and exhaustion from staff on 8A, the team, made up of Tenecia Hiller, Amanda Li, Cristina Emanuale, Briar O’Neil, Bryanne… Read more2016 -Endowment Fund Awards – Increasing Resiliency to Nursing in Paediatric Oncology and Palliative care And Achy Penguin:Tool to Improve Pain Assessment in 4-7 Year Olds
2015 – Endowment Fund Awards – 1. Good 2 Go Transition Program and 2. Prevention and Management of Paediatric PIV-related Harm
In November 2015 two awards were announced to the following teams. We look forward to hearing their reports in November 2016 at the Nursing Alumnae Endowment Fund event. 1. Good 2 Go Transition Program with team members Khush Amaria, Megan… Read more2015 – Endowment Fund Awards – 1. Good 2 Go Transition Program and 2. Prevention and Management of Paediatric PIV-related Harm
2014 – Endowment Fund Award – The Autism Toolkit Project
In 2014, the Autism Toolkit project team was the recipient of the award in recognition of the project’s innovation and focus on family-centred care. Team members included Michele Durant – RN, BSc, MSc Co-Lead, Helen Forrest – ANPE Co-Lead, Michelle… Read more2014 – Endowment Fund Award – The Autism Toolkit Project
2013 Endowment Fund Award – The Child and Family Presence at Nursing Shift Handover Project
Krista Keilty and Karen Sappleton were the inaugural recipients of the Hospital for Sick Children Alumnae Association of the School of Nursing Endowment Fund Award in 2013. They received their award for their work on the Child and Family Presence… Read more2013 Endowment Fund Award – The Child and Family Presence at Nursing Shift Handover Project
2012 – Alumnae Endowment Fund Launched
Many Alumnae members, SickKids Foundation and hospital staff gathered to celebrate the launch of the Endowment Fund and to hear Judith Young, RN, MScN speak on innovations in care over the first 100 years (1886-1975), all introduced at the hospital… Read more2012 – Alumnae Endowment Fund Launched