Maria (Gyorossy-Csepreghy) Kluge – Cl’56 (Jan)
Maria wrote the following reflection for the 100th Anniversary of the HSC Alumnae in 2003. Following her death, her family initiated The Maria Gyorossy-Csepreghy Kluge Award for excellence in nursing practice and commitment to neonatal nursing. This award is presented annually through the SickKids Foundation.
“In 1913 Sir William Osler recommended the following virtues for nurses:
Tact; Tidyness; Taciturnity; Sympathy; Gentleness; Cheerfulness; Charity
Let me tell you about Miss Masten.
As a new immigrant from Hungary in 1952 my first job was at Charles E. Frosst in Montreal. For six months I weighed 222’s every 15 minutes on an analytical scale as the tablet-making-machine spew out THE headache pills.
To realize my long-standing ambition to become a nurse, I applied at the School of Nursing at the Royal Victoria Hospital in Montreal. I was refused. Determined as I was of my goal I journeyed to Toronto to try my luck at the Hospital for Sick Children.
Miss Masten, the Director of Nursing, scrutinized my papers and documents, took a look at me and, being a woman of few words and sound decisions, said,
“Miss Csepreghy, your English is poor. You are new to Canada and our way of life. Not only that but you are 10 years older than our average probationer. Our September class is very large. Considering all this, I think you should work for a few months at our Rehabilitation Hospital in Thistletown. We will then consider your application for the much smaller March class in 1953. Our bus for Thistletown leaves three times a week at 1 p.m. from the corner of St. Clair and Lansdowne Avenues. Thank you and good day.”
And that was that!
The time I spent in Thistletown gave me invaluable experience and knowledge. Miss Masten was a very wise Director of Nursing.
Tact; Tidyness; Taciturnity; Sympathy; Gentleness; Charity

My time at “Sick Kids” were the most enlightened years of my life, giving me lifelong friends and colleagues. I am deeply grateful to Miss Masten and to all our teachers who were so generously patient with me. And to my classmates a great big “THANK YOU” for accepting me as one of your own and even being your “Granny”! And thank you for lavishing so much affection and friendship on me.”